1. ZoningTown, Waukesha County
2024. Waukesha County. Town Zoning.
1. ZoningTown, Waukesha County
2024. Waukesha County. Town Zoning.
2. ZoningCountyShoreland, Waukesha County
2024. Waukesha County. Zoning Codes as adopted and defined by County Zoning Authority.
3. Zoning Wood County, WI 2017
2017. Wood County. This polygon data layer represents floodplain zoning for Wood County, Wisconsin in 2017. It is a feature class within the geodatabase, Wood_Zoning_...
4. Zoning Wood County, WI 2016
2016. Wood County. This polygon data layer represents zoning as FEMA flood hazards for Wood County, Wisconsin in 2016. It is a feature class within the geodatabase, W...
5. Zoning Wisconsin (Statewide), 2017
2017. Wisconsin Department of Administration. This file was aggregated as part of the final deliverable for the Version 3 Statewide Parcel Map Database Project (V3). This feature class represen...
6. Zoning Wisconsin (Statewide), 2016
2016. Wisconsin Department of Administration. This file was aggregated as part of the final deliverable for the Version 2 Statewide Parcel Map Database Project (V2). This feature class represen...
7. Zoning Winnebago County, WI 2024
2024. Winnebago County. This data represents zoning for Winnebago County, Wisconsin in 2024 and includes the 'WINNEBAGO_GENERAL_2024,' and 'WINNEBAGO_SHORELAND_2024.'.
8. Zoning Winnebago County, WI 2023
2023. Winnebago County. This data represents zoning for Winnebago County, Wisconsin in 2023 and includes the 'Winnebago_General_2023,' and 'Winnebago_Shoreland_2023.'.
9. Zoning Winnebago County, WI 2022
2022. Winnebago County. This data represents zoning for Winnebago County, Wisconsin in 2022 and includes the 'Winnebago_General_2022,' and 'Winnebago_Shoreland_2022.'.
10. Zoning Winnebago County, WI 2021
2021. Winnebago County. This data represents zoning for Winnebago County, Wisconsin in 2021 and includes the layers 'Winnebago_Airport_2021,' 'Winnebago_General_2021,' and...
11. Zoning Winnebago County, WI 2020
2020. Winnebago County. This data represents zoning for Winnebago County, Wisconsin in 2020 and includes the layers 'Winnebago_General_2020' and 'Winnebago_Shoreland_2020'.
12. Zoning Winnebago County, WI 2019
2019. Winnebago County. This data represents zoning for Winnebago County, Wisconsin in 2019 and includes the layers 'Winnebago_General_2019' and 'Winnebago_Shoreland_2019'.
13. Zoning Winnebago County, WI 2018
2018. Winnebago County. These data layers represent zoning for Winnebago County, Wisconsin in 2018. It is a feature class within the geodatabase 'Winnebago_Zoning_2018.gdb...
14. Zoning Winnebago County, WI 2017
2017. Winnebago County. These polygon data layers represent zoning for Winnebago County, Wisconsin in 2017. They are feature classes within the geodatabase 'Winnebago_Zoni...
15. Zoning Winnebago County, WI 2016
2016. Winnebago County. This data layer represents zoning for Winnebago County, Wisconsin in 2016. It is a feature class within the geodatabase 'Winnebago_Zoning_2016'. Zo...
16. Zoning Winnebago County, WI 2015
2015. Winnebago County. This data layer represents zoning for Winnebago County, Wisconsin in 2015. [Town Zoning for the Town of Black Wolf, Winnebago County, Wisconsin. Th...
17. Zoning Winnebago County, WI 2014
2014. Winnebago County. This data layer represents zoning for Winnebago County, Wisconsin in 2014.
18. Zoning Waushara County, WI 2024
2024. Waushara County. This data represents zoning (general) for Waushara County, Wisconsin in 2024.
19. Zoning Waushara County, WI 2023
2023. Waushara County. This data represents general zoning for Waushara County, Wisconsin in 2023.
20. Zoning Waushara County, WI 2021
2021. Waushara County. This data represents zoning (general) for Waushara County, Wisconsin in 2021.
21. Zoning Waushara County, WI 2020
2020. Waushara County. This data represents General zoning for Waushara County, Wisconsin in 2020.
22. Zoning Waushara County, WI 2019
2019. Waushara County. This data represents zoning for Waushara County, Wisconsin in 2019.
23. Zoning Waushara County, WI 2018
2018. Waushara County. This data layer represents zoning for Waushara County, Wisconsin in 2018. It is a feature class within the geodatabase, 'Waushara_Zoning_2018.gdb'.
24. Zoning Waushara County, WI 2017
2017. Waushara County. These polygon data layers represent zoning for Waushara County, Wisconsin in 2017. They are feature classes within the geodatabase Waushara_Zoning_...
25. Zoning Waushara County, WI 2016
2016. Waushara County. These data layers represent zoning for Waushara County, Wisconsin in 2016. They are feature classes within the geodatabase 'Waushara_Zoning_2016.gd...
26. Zoning Waushara County, WI 2014
2014. Waushara County. This data layer represents zoning for Waushara County, Wisconsin in 2014.
27. Zoning Waupaca County, WI 2024
2024. Waupaca County. This data represents zoning for Waupaca County, Wisconsin in 2024, and includes the layers 'WAUPACA_GENERAL_2024', and 'WAUPACA_SHORLAND_2024'. [Ge...
28. Zoning Waupaca County, WI 2023
2023. Waupaca County. This data represents zoning for Waupaca County, Wisconsin in 2023, and includes the layers 'Waupaca_General_2023', and 'Waupaca_Shoreland_2023'. [G...
29. Zoning Waupaca County, WI 2022
2022. Waupaca County. This data represents zoning for Waupaca County, Wisconsin in 2022, and includes the layers 'Waupaca_General_2022', and 'Waupaca_Shoreland_2022'. [G...
30. Zoning Waupaca County, WI 2021
2021. Waupaca County. This data represents zoning for Waupaca County, Wisconsin in 2021, and includes the layers 'Waupaca_General_2021', and 'Waupaca_Shoreland_2021'. [G...
31. Zoning Waupaca County, WI 2019
2019. Waupaca County. This data represents zoning for Waupaca County, Wisconsin in 2019, and includes the layers 'WAUPACA_GENERAL_2019', and 'WAUPACA_SHORELAND_2019'. Fo...
32. Zoning Waupaca County, WI 2018
2018. Waupaca County. This data represents zoning for Waupaca County, Wisconsin in 2018, and includes the layers 'FARMLAND_2018'', 'FLOODPLAIN_2018', 'WAUPACA_GENERAL_20...
33. Zoning Waupaca County, WI 2017
2017. Waupaca County. This data layer represents zoning for Waupaca County, Wisconsin in 2017. It is a feature class within the geodatabase, 'Waupaca_Zoning_2017.gdb'.
34. Zoning Waupaca County, WI 2016
2016. Waupaca County. This polygon data layer represents zoning for Waupaca County, Wisconsin in 2016. It is a feature class within the geodatabase, Waupaca_Zoning_2016....
35. Zoning Waupaca County, WI 2015
2015. Waupaca County. This polygon data layer represents zoning for Waupaca County, Wisconsin in 2015. It is a feature class within the geodatabase, Waupaca_Zoning_2015....
36. Zoning Waupaca County, WI 2014
2014. Waupaca County. This polygon data layer represents zoning for Waupaca County, Wisconsin in 2014. It is a feature class within the geodatabase, Waupaca_Zoning_2014....
37. Zoning Waupaca County, WI 2013
2013. Waupaca County. This polygon data layer represents zoning for Waupaca County, Wisconsin in 2013. It is a feature class within the geodatabase, Waupaca_Zoning_2013....
2020. Waupaca County. Rural zoning districts for townships that fall under Waupaca County Zoning. Zoning data is tax parcel based.
39. Zoning Waukesha County, WI 2024
2024. Waukesha County. This data represents zoning for Waukesha County, Wisconsin in 2024 and includes the layers 'WAUKESHA_GENERAL_2024' and 'WAUKESHA_SHORELAND_2024.'.
40. Zoning Waukesha County, WI 2023
2023. Waukesha County. This data represents zoning for Waukesha County, Wisconsin in 2023 and includes the layers 'Waukesha_General_2023' and 'Waukesha_Shoreland_2023.'.
41. Zoning Waukesha County, WI 2022
2022. Waukesha County. This data represents zoning for Waukesha County, Wisconsin in 2022 and includes the layers 'Waukesha_General_2022' and 'Waukesha_Shoreland_2022.'.
42. Zoning Waukesha County, WI 2021
2021. Waukesha County. This data represents zoning for Waukesha County, Wisconsin in 2021 and includes the layers 'Waukesha_General_2021' and 'Waukesha_Shoreland_2021.'.
43. Zoning Waukesha County, WI 2020
2020. Waukesha County. This data represents zoning for Waukesha County, Wisconsin in 2020, and includes the layers 'Waukesha_General_2020' and 'Waukesha_Shoreland_2020'.
44. Zoning Waukesha County, WI 2019
2019. Waukesha County. This data represents zoning for Waukesha County, Wisconsin in 2019, and includes the layers 'Waukesha_General_2019' and 'Waukesha_Shoreland_2019'.
45. Zoning Waukesha County, WI 2018
2018. Waukesha County. These data layers represent zoning for Waukesha County, Wisconsin in 2018. It is a feature class within the geodatabase, 'Waukesha_Zoning_2018.gdb'...
46. Zoning Waukesha County, WI 2017
2017. Waukesha County. These polygon data layers represent parks for Waukesha County, Wisconsin in 2017. They are feature classes within the geodatabase, Waukesha_Zoning_...
47. Zoning Waukesha County, WI 2016
2016. Waukesha County. This polygon data layer represents zoning for Waukesha County, Wisconsin in 2016. It is a feature class within the geodatabase, Waukesha_Zoning_201...
48. Zoning Waukesha County, WI 2015
2015. Waukesha County. This polygon data layer represents zoning for Waukesha County, Wisconsin in 2015. It is a feature class within the geodatabase, Waukesha_Zoning_201...
49. Zoning Waukesha County, WI 2014
2014. Waukesha County. This polygon data layer represents zoning for Waukesha County, Wisconsin in 2014. It is a feature class within the geodatabase, Waukesha_Zoning_201...
50. Zoning Washington County, WI 2019
2019. Washington County. This data represents zoning for Washington County, Wisconsin in 2019 and includes the layers 'Washington_Floodplain_2019' and 'Washington_Shoreland...
51. Zoning Washington County, WI 2018
2018. Washington County. This data layer represents zoning for Washington County, Wisconsin in 2018. It is a feature class within the geodatabase 'Washington_Zoning_2018.gd...
52. Zoning Washington County, WI 2017
2017. Washington County. These polygon data layers represent zoning for Washington County, Wisconsin in 2017. They are feature classes within the geodatabase Washington_Zon...
53. Zoning Washington County, WI 2016
2016. Washington County. These data layers represent zoning for Washington County, Wisconsin in 2016. It is a feature class within the geodatabase 'Washington_Zoning_2016.g...
54. Zoning Washburn County, WI 2025
2025. Washburn County. This data represents zoning for Washburn County, Wisconsin in 2025 and includes the layers 'WASHBURN_GENERAL_2025' and 'WASHBURN_SHORELAND_2025.'.
55. Zoning Washburn County, WI 2024
2024. Washburn County. This data represents zoning for Washburn County, Wisconsin in 2024 and includes the layers 'WASHBURN_GENERAL_2024' and 'WASHBURN_SHORELAND_2024.'.
56. Zoning Washburn County, WI 2023
2023. Washburn County. This data represents zoning for Washburn County, Wisconsin in 2023 and includes the layers 'WASHBURN_GENERAL_2023' and 'WASHBURN_SHORELAND_2023.'.
57. Zoning Washburn County, WI 2022
2022. Washburn County. This data represents zoning for Washburn County, Wisconsin in 2022 and includes the layers 'Washburn_Zoning_General_2022' and 'Washburn_Shoreland_2...
58. Zoning Washburn County, WI 2021
2021. Washburn County. This data represents zoning for Washburn County, Wisconsin in 2021 and includes the layers 'Washburn_General_2021' and 'Washburn_Shoreland_2021.'.
59. Zoning Washburn County, WI 2020
2020. Washburn County. This data represents zoning for Washburn County, Wisconsin in 2020. The following features are included: GENERAL and SHORELAND.
60. Zoning Washburn County, WI 2019
2019. Washburn County. This data represents zoning for Washburn County, Wisconsin in 2019, and includes the layers 'Washburn_General_2018' and 'Washburn_Shoreland_2018'.
61. Zoning Washburn County, WI 2018
2018. Washburn County. These data layers represent zoning for Washburn County, Wisconsin in 2018. It is a feature class within the geodatabase, 'Washburn_Zoning_2018.gdb'...
62. Zoning Washburn County, WI 2017
2017. Washburn County. These polygon data layers represent zoning for Washburn County, Wisconsin in 2017. They are feature classes within the geodatabase, Washburn_Zoning...
63. Zoning Washburn County, WI 2016
2016. Washburn County. This data layer represents zoning for Washburn County, Wisconsin in 2016. It is a feature class within the geodatabase, Washburn_Zoning_2016.gdb. T...
64. Zoning Washburn County, WI 2015
2015. Washburn County. This data layer represents zoning for Washburn County, Wisconsin in 2015. It is a feature class within the geodatabase, Washburn_Zoning_2015.gdb.
65. Zoning Washburn County, WI 2014
2014. Washburn County. This data layer represents zoning for Washburn County, Wisconsin in 2014. It is a feature class within the geodatabase, Washburn_Zoning_2014.gdb.[T...
66. Zoning Washburn County, WI 2012
2012. Washburn County. This data layer represents zoning for Washburn County, Wisconsin in 2012. It is a feature class within the geodatabase, Washburn_Zoning_2012.gdb.[T...
67. Zoning Walworth County, WI 2024
2024. Walworth County. This data represents zoning for Walworth County, Wisconsin in 2024 and includes the layers 'WALWORTH_GENERAL_2024' and 'WALWORTH_SHORELAND_2024'.
68. Zoning Walworth County, WI 2023
2023. Walworth County. This data represents zoning for Walworth County, Wisconsin in 2023 and includes the layers 'Walworth_General_2023' and 'Walworth_Shoreland_2023'.
69. Zoning Walworth County, WI 2022
2022. Walworth County. This data represents zoning for Walworth County, Wisconsin in 2022 and includes the layers 'Walworth_General_2022' and 'Walworth_Shoreland_2022'.
70. Zoning Walworth County, WI 2021
2021. Walworth County. This data represents zoning for Walworth County, Wisconsin in 2021 and includes the layers 'Walworth_General_2021' and 'Walworth_Shoreland_2021'.
71. Zoning Walworth County, WI 2020
2020. Walworth County. This data represents zoning for Walworth County, Wisconsin in 2020 and includes the layers 'Walworth_General_2020' and 'Walworth_Shoreland_2020'.
72. Zoning Walworth County, WI 2019
2019. Walworth County. This data represents zoning for Walworth County, Wisconsin in 2019 and includes the layers 'Walworth_General_2019' and 'Walworth_Shoreland_2019'.
73. Zoning Walworth County, WI 2018
2018. Walworth County. This data layer represents zoning for Walworth County, Wisconsin in 2018. It is a feature class within the geodatabase, 'Walworth_Zoning_2018.gdb'....
74. Zoning Walworth County, WI 2017
2017. Walworth County. These polygon data layers represent zoning for Walworth County, Wisconsin in 2017. They are feature classes within the geodatabase, Walworth_Zoning...
75. Zoning Walworth County, WI 2016
2016. Walworth County. These data layers represent zoning for Walworth County, Wisconsin in 2016. They are feature classes within the geodatabase 'Walworth_Zoning_2016.gd...
76. Zoning Walworth County, WI 2015
2015. Walworth County. This data layer represents zoning for Walworth County, Wisconsin in 2015.
77. Zoning Walworth County, WI 2014
2014. Walworth County. This data layer represents zoning for Walworth County, Wisconsin in 2014.
78. Zoning Walworth County, WI 2013
2013. Walworth County. This data layer represents zoning for Walworth County, Wisconsin in 2013.
79. Zoning Violations, Waukesha County
2025. Waukesha County. Zoning Codes as adopted and defined by County Zoning Authority.
80. Zoning Vilas County, WI YE2016
2017. Vilas County. These polygon data layers represent zoning for Vilas County, Wisconsin at year-end 2016. They are feature classes within the geodatabase Vilas_Zoni...
81. Zoning Vilas County, WI 2024
2024. Vilas County. This data layer represents general zoning for Vilas County, Wisconsin in 2024.
82. Zoning Vilas County, WI 2022
2022. Vilas County. This data layer represents zoning for Vilas County, Wisconsin in 2022.
83. Zoning Vilas County, WI 2021
2021. Vilas County. This data layer represents zoning for Vilas County, Wisconsin in 2021.
84. Zoning Vilas County, WI 2020
2020. Vilas County. This data layer represents zoning for Vilas County, Wisconsin in 2020 and includes the layer 'Vilas_General_2020.' [The zoning classification defin...
85. Zoning Vilas County, WI 2019
2019. Vilas County. This data layer represents zoning for Vilas County, Wisconsin in 2019. The following features are included: 'Vilas_Zoning_2019' and 'Vilas_Shorelan...
86. Zoning Vilas County, WI 2018
2018. Vilas County. This data layer represents zoning for Vilas County, Wisconsin in 2018.[The zoning classification defined at the parcel level, but typically managed...
87. Zoning Vilas County, WI 2017
2017. Vilas County. These data layers represent zoning for Vilas County, Wisconsin in 2017. They are feature classes within the geodatabase 'Vilas_Zoning_2017.gdb'. Th...
88. Zoning Vilas County, WI 2016
2016. Vilas County. This Polygon data layer represents zoning for Vilas County, Wisconsin in 2016. It is a feature dataset within the geodatabase Vilas_Zoning_2016.gdb...
89. Zoning Vilas County, WI 2015
2015. Vilas County. This Polygon data layer represents zoning for Vilas County, Wisconsin in 2015.
90. Zoning Vilas County, WI 2014
2014. Vilas County. This Polygon data layer represents zoning for Vilas County, Wisconsin in 2014. It is a feature dataset within the geodatabase Vilas_Zoning_2014.gdb.
91. Zoning Vilas County, WI 2013
2013. Vilas County. This Polygon data layer represents zoning for Vilas County, Wisconsin in 2013.
2023. Vilas County. General zoning district polygons for Vilas County.
93. Zoning Vernon County, WI 2017
2017. Vernon County. These polygon data layers represent zoning for Vernon County, Wisconsin in 2017. They are feature classes within the geodatabase Vernon_Zoning_2017...
94. Zoning Variances, Waukesha County
2024. Waukesha County. Zoning Codes as adopted and defined by County Zoning Authority.
95. Zoning (unofficial) Barron County, WI 2015
2015. Barron County. This data layer represents zoning (unofficial) for Barron County in 2015.
96. Zoning (unofficial) Barron County, WI 2014
2014. Barron County. This data layer represents zoning (unofficial) for Barron County in 2014.
97. Zoning Trempealeau County, WI 2021
2021. Trempealeau County. This data represents zoning (general) for Trempealeau County, Wisconsin in 2021.
98. Zoning Trempealeau County, WI 2020
2020. Trempealeau County. This data represents zoning for Trempealeau County, Wisconsin in 2020.
99. Zoning Trempealeau County, WI 2019
2019. Trempealeau County. This data represents zoning for Trempealeau County, Wisconsin in 2019.
100. Zoning Trempealeau County, WI 2018
2018. Trempealeau County. This data layer represents zoning for Trempealeau County, Wisconsin in 2018. It is a feature class within the geodatabase, 'Trempealeau_Zoning_2018...