GeoData@Wisconsin How-To Videos

While we hope GeoData@Wisconsin is intuitive to use with minimal instruction, the videos below offer some tips and tricks to help you be most effective in your search for Wisconsin geospatial data. Look for the "fullscreen" icon in the video player if you would like to expand the video. As always, please feel free to contact us if you need assistance!

Introduction and Overview

GeoData@Wisconsin is an online geoportal designed to provide discovery and access to Wisconsin geospatial data, aerial imagery, and scanned maps. Every resource within the geoportal has a download link for you to immediately access the content you need. This video will teach you the basics of using GeoData@Wisconsin.

What are Collections?

Collections represent groups of resources that are similar in nature, either by theme or creator. Collections are a great way to quickly narrow your search down to data most relevant to your needs.

How to Use Downscaled WICCI Climate Data

In the ‘Climate’ collection, users can access a series of downscaled climate modeling datasets in GIS-friendly formats created by Dr. Eric Compas from the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater. Originally produced by the Wisconsin Initiative on Climate Change Impacts' (WICCI) Climate Working Group, the data allows practitioners, researchers, and businesses to access future climate models using GIS software. This video shows users how to view and analyze this climate data in ArcGIS Pro. It focuses on the modeled precipitation and temperature data available for download from GeoData@Wisconsin in Cloud Raster Format (.crf).

Searching with Keywords

In GeoData@Wisconsin, the keyword search bar is located at the top of the page. Simply enter a search term here to see results. Keywords are often best way to begin your search for data.

Searching with the Map

Using the map is a great way to see all the available data for a specific geographic area of interest. Searching by using the map is what makes a geoportal special. When combined with collections, filters, and keywords, finding data you need is snap!

Searching for the Original Wisconsin Public Land Survey System Maps

The field notes and plat maps of the public land survey of Wisconsin are a valuable resource for original land survey information, as well as for understanding Wisconsin's landscape history. The survey of Wisconsin was conducted between 1832 and 1866 by the federal General Land Office. In this video we discuss how to search the geoportal for these historic scanned maps.

Searching for U.S. Geological Survey Topographic Maps

Scanned topographic maps published by the USGS date back to 1889 in Wisconsin, and as such, provide excellent insight for historical research. With nearly 12,000 topos available through GeoData@Wisconsin, both past and present, we present some tips for finding the maps you need.

Searching for Digital Aerial Imagery

Much of the aerial imagery available in Wisconsin is organized as county mosaics, U.S. Geological Survey Quarter-Quadrangle tiles, and in some cases, individual scanned photographs. Often, digital imagery is available in more than one coordinate system, such as Wisconsin Transverse Mercator (WTM), Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM), or a county coordinate system like WISCRS. In this video we discuss some hints for quickly finding digital aerial imagery that meets your needs.