This data layer represents zoning for Winnebago County, Wisconsin in 2015. [Town Zoning for the Town of Black Wolf, Winnebago County, Wisconsin. This was derived from taking a copy of the gm_pcyblk (Town of Black Wolf tax parcels) layer and overlayed the tax parcels with the shoreland zoning layer to extract just the tax parcel boundaries that fell outside the county zoning shoreland jurisdiction and then the extarcted tax parcels created the base for the Town of Black Wolf Town Zoning layer. The digital map provides a useful representation of the current Town Zoning for the Town of Black Wolf and is suitable for its intended purpose. The Town Board for the Town of Black Wolf has adopted the digital layer of the Town Zoning for the Town of Black Wolf as the official source to graphically represent the Town Zoning for administering the Town Zoning Ordinance. The Town Zoning layer for the Town of Black Wolf was saved to a file called gm_tzblk.]