24k Hydro Full File Geodatabase, WI DNR
- Created By:
- Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources
- Description:
- 24K Hydro File Geodatabase, including bank lines, flow lines, junction points, hydro lines, water bodies, hydro points, and a network. Access the user guide, data dictionaries, and metadata below.The DNR Hydrography database was developed statewide using several 1:24,000-scale sources. This data layer includes information about surface water features represented on the USGS 1:24,000-scale topographic map series such as perennial and intermittent streams, lakes, etc. Because the sources of the Hydrography data span many years and originate from several sources, the data may reflect areas of transition from one source to another. As a result, the water features as represented in the Hydrography data may not always match what you see on a particular USGS quad or Digital Raster Graphic (DRG). General source information is presented on this map: Wisconsin Hydrography Source Information. Note: Wetlands delineations are not included in the DNR Hydrography data layer. For information about DNR Wetlands data, see the Wisconsin Wetland Inventory web page.Report errors in this data to Dennis Wiese (dennis.wiese@wisconsin.gov) with the following information:HYDROID of the feature in question; OR if the feature is missing, a location coordinate or description (e.g. latitude/longitude, Public Land Survey System Township, Range, and Section identifier) that identifies the area in question.Optional but very helpful: a screen capture of the area in question, or the Water Body Identification Code (WBIC) of the feature in question.DNR staff can access the hydrography database in the agency's central GIS data repository. The hydrography feature classes are stored in the feature dataset "W23324.WD_HYDRO_DATA_24K".USER GUIDES AND DOCUMENTATION: WDNR_HYDRO_24k_GETTING STARTED WDNR HYDRO 24K UPDATES DOCUMENT 24K HYDRO DECISION RULESData Dictionaries and Metadata WDNR_HYDRO_24k_waterbody_data_dict WDNR_HYDRO_24k_waterbody_metadata WDNR_HYDRO_24k_flowline_data_dict WDNR_HYDRO_24k_flowline_metadata WDNR_HYDRO_24k_bank_data_dict WDNR_HYDRO_24k_bank_metadata WDNR_HYDRO_24k_junction_data_dict WDNR_HYDRO_24k_junction_metadata WDNR_HYDRO_24k_line_data_dict WDNR_HYDRO_24k_line_metadata WDNR_HYDRO_24k_flowline_wbic_data_dict WDNR_HYDRO_24k_flowline_wbic_metadata WDNR_HYDRO_24k_waterbody_wbic_data_dict WDNR_HYDRO_24k_waterbody_wbic_metadataArcMap Layer (.lyr) Files 24k Hydro Flowline Duration 24k Hydro Bank Lines 24k Hydro Flowline Streams 24k Hydro Waterbody Open Water
- Collection:
- Wisconsin Open Data Sites and Wisconsin State Agencies
- Year(s):
- 2022
- Held By:
- Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources
- More details at:
- https://data-wi-dnr.opendata.arcgis.com/datasets/wi-dnr::24k-hydro-full-file-geodatabase
This dataset was automatically cataloged from the author's Open Data Portal. In some cases, publication year and bounding coordinates shown here may be incorrect. Please check the 'More details at' link for additional information including download options.
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