View Metadata
USGS US Topo 7.5-minute map for Zachow, WI 2016
- Identification Information
- Data Quality Information
- Spatial Data Organization Information
- Spatial Reference Information
- Entity and Attribute Information
- Distribution Information
- Metadata Reference Information
- Identification Information
- Citation
- Originator
- U.S. Geological Survey
- Publication Date
- 20160712
- Title
- USGS US Topo 7.5-minute map for Zachow, WI 2016
- Geospatial Data Presentation Form
- map, raster digital data
- Collection Title
- US Topo Historical
- Publication Information
- Publication Place
- Rolla, MO and Denver, CO
- Publisher
- USGS - National Geospatial Technical Operations Center (NGTOC)
- Abstract
- Layered geospatial PDF Map. Layers of geospatial data include orthoimagery, roads, grids, geographic names, elevation contours, hydrography, and other selected map features.
- Purpose
- This map depicts geographic features on the surface of the earth. It is a general purpose map for users who are not GIS experts. One intended purpose is to support emergency response at all levels of government. The geospatial data in this map are from selected National Map data holdings and other government sources.
- Supplemental Information
- GNIS Cell ID = 50204; {"inventory":"129a6a90-fc13-ed22-89e5-f1a1e3b01c71","cellId":50204,"scale":24000,"pageWidth":24,"pageHeight":29}
- Temporal Extent
- Currentness Reference
- publication date
- Time Period
- Beginning
- 1950
- End
- 2016
- Bounding Box
- West
- -88.375
- East
- -88.25
- North
- 44.75
- South
- 44.625
- ISO Topic Category
- imageryBaseMapsEarthCover
- EarthCover
- Imagery and Base Maps
- Theme Keyword
- topographic
- transportation
- structures
- geographic names
- hydrography
- boundary
- Public Land Survey System
- woodland
- orthoimage
- contour
- U.S. National Grid
- Theme Keyword Thesaurus
- None
- Theme Keyword
- Downloadable Data
- Theme Keyword Thesaurus
- The National Map Type Thesaurus
- Theme Keyword
- Map
- Theme Keyword Thesaurus
- The National Map Theme Thesaurus
- Theme Keyword
- US Topo Historical
- US Topo
- Theme Keyword Thesaurus
- The National Map Collection Thesaurus
- Theme Keyword
- 7.5 x 7.5 minute
- Theme Keyword Thesaurus
- The National Map Product Extent Thesaurus
- Theme Keyword
- GeoPDF
- Theme Keyword Thesaurus
- The National Map Product Format Thesaurus
- Place Keyword
- US
- United States
- Wisconsin
- Shawano
- Brown
- Zachow, WI
- Place Keyword Thesaurus
- None
- Temporal Keyword
- Access Restrictions
- None
- Use Restrictions
- This product may be freely copied, redistributed, and printed. Most content is derived from public domain data with no reuse constraints. The following data layers are from commercial sources and are not public domain: 1) orthoimages in Alaska, and 2) orthoimages in Hawaii. These layers are copyrighted and have some reuse restrictions; see the relevant data source sections (srcinfo tag) in this file. From mid 2010 to late 2015 US Topo maps used commercially licensed road data for most maps, but as of October 2015 this map series uses public domain road data from the US Census Bureau; see the credit note in the lower left corner of the map face and the metadata srcinfo tag of individual maps for road data sources and restrictions. Users should be aware that temporal changes may have occurred since these data were collected and some data may no longer represent actual surface conditions. Users should not use these data for critical applications without a full awareness of their limitations. Acknowledgment of the U.S. Geological Survey is appreciated for products derived from these data.
- Status
- Complete
- Maintenance and Update Frequency
- Irregular
- Collection
- Originator
- U.S. Geological Survey
- Publication Date
- 2018
- Title
- US Topo Historical
- Online Linkage
- Data Quality Information
- Attribute Accuracy Report
- Cartographic content is derived from USGS national geospatial databases. The data is owned and hosted by the USGS, but does not preclude using data sources owned and hosted by other organizations, provided that these sources have been approved by the USGS data program.
- Logical Consistency Report
- This product is a layered geospatial PDF file.
- Completeness Report
- Each layer of the geospatial PDF is extracted from the USGS national geospatial databases. These data are intended to be cartographically complete at the scales that the map is produced, 1:24,000 scale in the conterminous 48 states and Hawaii, 1:25,000 scale in Alaska, and 1:20,000 scale in Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands.
- Horizontal Positional Accuracy Report
- This US Topo map product is compiled to meet National Map Accuracy Standards (NMAS). NMAS horizontal accuracy requires that at least 90 percent of well-defined points tested are within 0.02 inch of the true position. In this product, the projection line, grids, and orthoimage are believed to meet NMAS. Positional accuracy of the other data layers is less controllable because of diversity of data sources, and may not meet NMAS.
- Lineage
- Source
- Originator
- National Agriculture Image Program (NAIP) administered by the Aerial Photography Field Office (APFO) for the United States Department of Agriculture and SPOT 5 satellite imagery, from SPOT Image Corporation through the Alaska Statewide Digital Mapping Initiative
- Publication Date
- 20130701
- Title
- Imagery
- Geospatial Data Presentation Form
- Raster digital data or Digital Orthorectified Image or NAIP Digital Ortho Photo Image or Raster digital data or Digital Orthorectified Image
- Other Citation Details
- For the conterminous 48 states, Puerto Rico and Virgin Islands - "An orthorectified image is a layer in every product and is provided by the USDA-FSA-APFO from the National Agriculture Image Program (NAIP) in the conterminous US. This offers the USGS a consistent image product for the conterminous 48 states, normally with a one meter resolution in natural color. The NAIP image in this product is public domain with no reuse constraints." For Alaska - "A simulated natural color, orthorectified image is provided by the Alaska Statewide Digital Mapping Initiative. The statewide orthoimagery contract was awarded to Aero-Metric, Inc. Subcontractor Spot Image provided the source imagery from their SPOT 5 satellite. Subcontractor Fugro Earthdata performed the image processing, orthorectification, and mosaicing. Further processing may have been performed by USGS. SPOT Image Corporation (SICORP) retains copyright to these data. The USGS license allows these data to be freely used and redistributed in US Topo instances (1:25,000-scale topographic maps in PDF format), provided this copyright notice is retained."
- Online Linkage
- Online Linkage
- Type of Source Media
- digital data
- Source Temporal Extent
- Time Period Information
- Range of Dates/Times
- Beginning Date
- 20130701
- Ending Date
- 20130701
- Source Currentness Reference
- publication date
- Contribution
- Image
- Source
- Originator
- U.S. Census Bureau, Geography Division and Alaska Department of Transportation
- Publication Date
- 2016
- Title
- Transportation - Roads
- Geospatial Data Presentation Form
- vector digital data
- Other Citation Details
- For the conterminous 48 states, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands and Hawaii - "Dataset source is Census Bureau MAF/TIGER database extracts in the form of TIGER/Line Shapefiles. The TIGER/Line shapefiles and related database files are an extract of selected geographic and cartographic information from the U.S. Census Bureau's Master Address File/Topologically Integrated Geographic Encoding and Referencing (MAF/TIGER) Database (MTDB). The MTDB represents a seamless national file with no overlaps or gaps between parts, however, each TIGER/Line shapefile is designed to stand alone as an independent dataset, or they can be combined to cover the entire nation. The U.S. Geological Survey filters Census roads to remove short road segments which are less than 500 feet in length, are not named and are classified as local roads. Census roads are not mixed with other road data sources within a 7.5-minute US Topo quadrangle with the exception of U.S. Forest Service lands, where public domain data from the Forest Service are used. The USGS National Transportation Dataset functional road classification system is applied to the Census datasets.The original TIGER/Line Shapefile products are not copyrighted however TIGER/Line and Census TIGER are registered trademarks of the U.S. Census Bureau. The horizontal spatial accuracy information present in the TIGER/Line shapefiles is provided for the purposes of statistical analysis and census operations only and the data may not be suitable for high-precision measurement applications. Full metadata for TIGER/Line shapefiles is available from U.S. Census Bureau." For Alaska - "Roads gathered from various state and local sources, integrated by the Alaska Department of Transportation (ADOT) and provided to USGS for use in USGS map products. This specific road dataset is unpublished, but earlier versions are published on the ADOT web site."
- Online Linkage
- Online Linkage
- Type of Source Media
- digital data
- Source Temporal Extent
- Time Period Information
- Range of Dates/Times
- Beginning Date
- 2015
- Ending Date
- 2016
- Source Currentness Reference
- publication date
- Contribution
- Road centerlines, route numbers, road classification, street names
- Source
- Originator
- Publication Date
- 2016
- Title
- Transportation, USFS FSTopo roads
- Geospatial Data Presentation Form
- Vector digital data
- Other Citation Details
- The FSTopo database was originally populated with Cartographic Feature File (CFF) data. CFF data were derived from the standard Forest Service Primary Base Series (PBS) or Single Edition Series (SES) map as part of the Forest Service National Geographic Information System Plan. PBS and SES maps were developed from the U.S. Geological Survey 1:24,000-scale, 7.5-minute topographic map series, with enhancements and regular revisions to satisfy Forest Service needs. Except in Alaska, where 1:63,360-scale maps are used, the original USGS 1:24,000-scale source maps were constructed to meet National Map Accuracy Standards, which require that 90 percent of all well-defined features shown on the map are within .02 inches of their true location. CFF data were collected using methods and the best technologies available to ensure that digitized elements were captured within .003 inches of corresponding elements shown on source maps. The USDA Geospatial Service and Technology Center (GSTC) uses the same data collection accuracy standard for additions and revisions to the data. Only maps in USDA Forest Service areas will contain USDA Forest roads.
- Online Linkage
- Type of Source Media
- digital data
- Source Temporal Extent
- Time Period Information
- Range of Dates/Times
- Beginning Date
- 2012
- Ending Date
- 2016
- Source Currentness Reference
- publication date
- Source
- Originator
- Various government agencies and volunteer organizations
- Publication Date
- 2016
- Title
- Recreational Trails
- Geospatial Data Presentation Form
- Vector digital data
- Other Citation Details
- The first recreational trails were added to US Topo maps in 2013. The data for trails come from a variety of sources. Accuracy and currency is the responsibility of the data owner; USGS evaluates the authoritativeness of the source but does not independently verify data accuracy. Trails are not complete, and will not be complete for the foreseeable future. Trails will be added as data become available from land management agencies and other authoritative sources. All recreational trails information presented on US Topo maps is public domain, though the original source data is not necessarily public domain. This metadata section documents all data sources for all maps, not this specific map. Trails listed here are not guaranteed to be present on all relevant maps, due to schedule differences between data delivery and US Topo production schedules. Feature-level metadata is not provided in the US Topo product; there is no link between a line on the map and the source of that specific trail. Notes on data sources follow --------- For the 11 National Scenic Trails (NST): Ice Age National Scenic Trail: data provided by the volunteer organization Ice Age Trail Alliance,, in cooperation with National Park Service and Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources. -- Pacific Crest National Scenic Trail: unpublished data provided by US Forest Service -- Appalachian National Scenic Trail: data published by the Appalachian Trial Conservancy,, in cooperation with National Park Service -- North Country National Scenic Trail: unpublished dataset provided by National Park Service -- Arizona National Scenic Trail: data from AZGEO Clearinghouse,, in cooperation with U.S. Forest Service -- Pacific Northwest National Scenic Trail: unpublished data provided by US Forest Service -- Natchez Trace National Scenic Trail: unpublished dataset provided by National Park Service -- Florida National Scenic Trail: data from US Forest Service, -- Selected National Parks may have trails provided by National Park Service---------- For other trail types and sources: US Fish and Wildlife Service lands: the USFWS Hiking Trails Inventory is administered by the US Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration, and Pacific Western Technologies, LTD. The purpose of the dataset is to create a baseline inventory of all non-motorized trails on US Fish and Wildlife Service Stations. -- US Forest Service lands in Colorado: trails within National Forests are from unpublished data provided by USFS. Other US Forest Service lands: limited trails data published at USFS data are developed from sources of differing accuracy. US Topo does not portray access and travel management information indicating which trails are managed for or open to specific modes of travel (motorized/non-motorized) or associated seasons of use. At this time relatively few USFS trails are shown on US Topo (other than selected NSTs and in Colorado, as described above). -- Selected trails in Alaska from unpublished data provided by Alaska Department of Natural Resources and various federal agencies -- The International Mountain Bicycling Association (IMBA) shares their bicycle trails data with USGS as part of an ongoing partnership. IMBA-collected trails are generally not shown inside delineated Federal lands (e.g., National Forests) on US Topo maps.
- Online Linkage
- Online Linkage
- Online Linkage
- Online Linkage
- Online Linkage
- Type of Source Media
- digital data
- Source Temporal Extent
- Time Period Information
- Range of Dates/Times
- Beginning Date
- 2006
- Ending Date
- 2016
- Source Currentness Reference
- publication date
- Source
- Originator
- Oak Ridge National Laboratory
- Publication Date
- 2015
- Title
- Transportation, Railroads
- Geospatial Data Presentation Form
- Vector digital data
- Other Citation Details
- Railroads are derived from an unpublished data set provided to USGS by Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) Geographic Information Science and Technology Group (GIST). Following is an excerpt from the GIST description of the data set; the original data contain attributes not used by US Topo: The rail lines layer represents the freight lines of the nation's railroad system. The data set covers all 50 states and the District of Columbia, as well as territories and possessions of the United States. No rail lines exist in American Samoa, Guam, Northern Mariana Islands, and the Virgin Islands of the US. Phase 1 of this product is a completed deliverable. This phase involved adding and validating network attribute data including railroad ownership, trackage and haulage rights, operational status, operating subdivisions, signaling systems, track class and traffic density. Phase 2 adjusted the topological alignment of the track using the best available remote sensing imagery. Information originally based on the Department of Transportation (DOT) Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) 1:100K rail network. The data have been updated by Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) Geographic Information Science and Technology Group (GIST).
- Type of Source Media
- digital data
- Source Temporal Extent
- Time Period Information
- Range of Dates/Times
- Beginning Date
- 2015
- Ending Date
- 2015
- Source Currentness Reference
- publication date
- Source
- Originator
- Various government agencies and volunteer organizations
- Publication Date
- 2016
- Title
- Ferry Routes
- Geospatial Data Presentation Form
- Vector digital data
- Other Citation Details
- The ferry route names were derived from Federal Highway Administration (Office of Highway Policy Information) data by, and are used here with permission. The Federal Highway Administration, Office of Highway Policy Information report contains selected information on toll facilities in the United States that has been provided to FHWA by the States and/or various toll authorities regarding toll facilities in operation, financed, or under construction as of January 1, 2013. The report is based on voluntary responses received biennially. The ferry route lines were digitized by the USGS-NGTOC using aerial imagery and are general representations only, and not for navigation purposes.
- Online Linkage
- Online Linkage
- Type of Source Media
- digital data
- Source Temporal Extent
- Time Period Information
- Range of Dates/Times
- Beginning Date
- 2016
- Ending Date
- 2016
- Source Currentness Reference
- publication date
- Source
- Originator
- Federal Aviation Administration
- Publication Date
- 2016
- Title
- Airports
- Geospatial Data Presentation Form
- Vector digital data
- Other Citation Details
- Runway outlines are for Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)-recognized public and private airports in the United States. The FAA runway coordinates, FAA_RunwayID, and Airport Location Codes were used by the USGS to digitize runway outlines on recent NAIP orthoimagery. The digitized data were inspected for accuracy and completeness then loaded into the USGS national transportation database.
- Online Linkage
- Type of Source Media
- digital data
- Source Temporal Extent
- Time Period Information
- Range of Dates/Times
- Beginning Date
- 2014
- Ending Date
- 2016
- Source Currentness Reference
- publication date
- Source
- Originator
- Alaska Department of Natural Resources (ADNR), Information Resource Management Section
- Publication Date
- 2010
- Title
- Trans-Alaska Pipeline
- Geospatial Data Presentation Form
- Vector digital data
- Other Citation Details
- This dataset is for delineation of the pipeline location on standard maps. The route of the Trans-Alaska Pipeline was received from Alyeska Pipeline Service Company via the State Pipeline Coordinator's Office. The original projection was transverse Mercator. Annotation for the pipeline was added by DNR via the annotation sub class 'PIPE'. Written permission to include these data as part of the ADNR digital base map has been received from the Alyeska Pipeline Service. To ensure distribution of the most current public information, please refer requests for data or products to the Alaska Department of Natural Resources, Information Resource Management Section. It is not recommended that the data be used at a scale larger than 1:25,000. Any hardcopies or published datasets utilizing these data sets shall clearly indicate their source. If the user has modified the data in any way they are obligated to describe the types of modifications they have performed. User specifically agrees not to misrepresent these data sets, nor to imply that changes they made were approved by the Alaska Department of Natural Resources.
- Online Linkage
- for digital dataset
- Type of Source Media
- digital data
- Source Temporal Extent
- Time Period Information
- Range of Dates/Times
- Beginning Date
- 2010
- Ending Date
- 2010
- Source Currentness Reference
- publication date
- Source
- Originator
- State and Federal Partners, updates from The National Map Corps Volunteers
- Publication Date
- 2016
- Title
- Fire Stations
- Geospatial Data Presentation Form
- Vector digital data
- Other Citation Details
- Any location where fire fighters are stationed or based out of, or where equipment that such personnel use in carrying out their jobs is stored for ready use. Fire fighting training academies or locations are included. Fire Departments which are Mobile Units and not having a permanent location, are included, in which case their location has been depicted at the city/town hall or at the center of their service area if a city/town hall does not exist. This dataset includes those locations primarily engaged in forest or grasslands fire fighting, including fire lookout towers if the towers are in current use for fire protection purposes. This dataset includes both private and governmental entities. Locations that serve only administrative function are excluded. Locations serving both administrative and operational functions are included.
- Online Linkage
- Type of Source Media
- digital data
- Source Temporal Extent
- Time Period Information
- Range of Dates/Times
- Beginning Date
- 2007
- Ending Date
- 2016
- Source Currentness Reference
- publication date
- Source
- Originator
- State and Federal Partners, updates from The National Map Corps Volunteers
- Publication Date
- 2016
- Title
- Hospitals
- Geospatial Data Presentation Form
- Vector digital data
- Other Citation Details
- Includes general medical and surgical hospitals, psychiatric, substance abuse and specialty hospitals such as Children's hospitals, cancer, maternity and rehabilitation hospitals. Other types of hospitals are included if represented in data sets provided by various partners for this compilation. Hospitals operated by the US Department of Veterans Affairs are included. Nursing homes, long term care facilities and Urgent Care facilities are generally excluded. Locations that are administrative offices only are excluded from the dataset.
- Online Linkage
- Type of Source Media
- digital data
- Source Temporal Extent
- Time Period Information
- Range of Dates/Times
- Beginning Date
- 2005
- Ending Date
- 2016
- Source Currentness Reference
- publication date
- Source
- Originator
- State and Federal Partners, updates from The National Map Corps Volunteers
- Publication Date
- 2016
- Title
- Schools
- Geospatial Data Presentation Form
- Vector digital data
- Other Citation Details
- The schools within this dataset are composed of Public elementary and secondary education in the US as defined and tracked by the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), Common Core Dataset (CCD). Private schools in this dataset are composed of Private elementary and secondary education in the US as defined by the Private School Survey, NCES. The colleges and Universities are composed of postsecondary education facilities as defined by the Integrated Post Secondary Education System (IPEDS), NCES. Included are Doctoral and Research Universities, Masters Colleges and Universities, Baccalaureate Colleges, Associates Colleges, Theological seminaries, Medical schools and other health care professions, schools of engineering and technology, business and management, art, music, design, Law schools, Teachers colleges, Tribal colleges and other specialized institutions.
- Online Linkage
- Type of Source Media
- digital data
- Source Temporal Extent
- Time Period Information
- Range of Dates/Times
- Beginning Date
- 2008
- Ending Date
- 2016
- Source Currentness Reference
- publication date
- Source
- Originator
- State and Federal Partners, updates from The National Map Corps Volunteers
- Publication Date
- 2016
- Title
- Cemeteries
- Geospatial Data Presentation Form
- Vector digital data
- Other Citation Details
- The Geographic Names Information System (GNIS) is the Federal and national standard for geographic nomenclature. The U.S. Geological Survey developed the GNIS in support of the U.S. Board on Geographic Names as the official repository of domestic geographic names data, the official vehicle for geographic names use by all departments of the Federal Government, and the source for applying geographic names to Federal electronic and printed products. Cemeteries are one feature from the GNIS data base.
- Online Linkage
- Type of Source Media
- digital data
- Source Temporal Extent
- Time Period Information
- Range of Dates/Times
- Beginning Date
- 2013
- Ending Date
- 2016
- Source Currentness Reference
- publication date
- Source
- Originator
- U.S. Geological Survey
- Publication Date
- 2016
- Title
- National Cemetery
- Geospatial Data Presentation Form
- Vector digital data
- Other Citation Details
- National Cemeteries are under the jurisdiction of the National Cemetery Administration (NCA), U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. The NCA provided USGS with a list of National Cemeteries to show in USGS spatial data products. Boundaries for these cemeteries for 1:24,000 scale maps were created by USGS using parcel data and aerial imagery. National Cemetery names are also stored in the USGS Geographic Names Information System (GNIS).
- Online Linkage
- Online Linkage
- Type of Source Media
- digital data
- Source Temporal Extent
- Time Period Information
- Range of Dates/Times
- Beginning Date
- 2013
- Ending Date
- 2016
- Source Currentness Reference
- publication date
- Source
- Originator
- State and Federal Partners, updates from The National Map Corps Volunteers
- Publication Date
- 2016
- Title
- Post Offices
- Geospatial Data Presentation Form
- Vector digital data
- Other Citation Details
- The Geographic Names Information System (GNIS) is the Federal and national standard for geographic nomenclature. The U.S. Geological Survey developed the GNIS in support of the U.S. Board on Geographic Names as the official repository of domestic geographic names data, the official vehicle for geographic names use by all departments of the Federal Government, and the source for applying geographic names to Federal electronic and printed products. Post Offices are one feature from the GNIS data base.
- Online Linkage
- Type of Source Media
- digital data
- Source Temporal Extent
- Time Period Information
- Range of Dates/Times
- Beginning Date
- 2013
- Ending Date
- 2016
- Source Currentness Reference
- publication date
- Source
- Originator
- State and Federal Partners, updates from The National Map Corps Volunteers
- Publication Date
- 2016
- Title
- Law Enforcement
- Geospatial Data Presentation Form
- Vector digital data
- Other Citation Details
- Includes locations where sworn officers of a law enforcement agency are regularly based or stationed, primarily local police station locations. State and federal law enforcement agencies are generally excluded from this dataset.
- Online Linkage
- Type of Source Media
- digital data
- Source Temporal Extent
- Time Period Information
- Range of Dates/Times
- Beginning Date
- 2005
- Ending Date
- 2016
- Source Currentness Reference
- publication date
- Source
- Originator
- State and Federal Partners, updates from The National Map Corps Volunteers
- Publication Date
- 2016
- Title
- Prisons
- Geospatial Data Presentation Form
- Vector digital data
- Other Citation Details
- Includes government operated prisons and facilities privately operated for the government such as medium and high security prisons and correctional institutions. Low and minimum security institutions such as local jails, prison camps, correctional farms or work farms, detention and treatment centers are excluded.
- Online Linkage
- Type of Source Media
- digital data
- Source Temporal Extent
- Time Period Information
- Range of Dates/Times
- Beginning Date
- 2007
- Ending Date
- 2016
- Source Currentness Reference
- publication date
- Source
- Originator
- U.S. Geological Survey
- Publication Date
- 2016
- Title
- Geographic Names Information System (GNIS)
- Geospatial Data Presentation Form
- Vector digital data
- Other Citation Details
- The Geographic Names Information System (GNIS) is the Federal and national standard for geographic nomenclature. The U.S. Geological Survey developed the GNIS in support of the U.S. Board on Geographic Names as the official repository of domestic geographic names data, the official vehicle for geographic names use by all departments of the Federal Government, and the source for applying geographic names to Federal electronic and printed products.
- Online Linkage
- Type of Source Media
- digital data
- Source Temporal Extent
- Time Period Information
- Range of Dates/Times
- Beginning Date
- 2016
- Ending Date
- 2016
- Source Currentness Reference
- publication date
- Source
- Originator
- U.S. Geological Survey in cooperation with U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, USDA Forest Service, and other Federal, State and local partners. National Hydrography Dataset is a component of a comprehensive base geospatial data model.
- Publication Date
- 20130701
- Title
- Hydrography
- Geospatial Data Presentation Form
- Vector digital data
- Other Citation Details
- The National Hydrography Dataset (NHD) is a feature-based database that interconnects and uniquely identifies the stream segments or reaches that make up the nation's surface water drainage system. The high-resolution NHD was originally created using 1:24,000-scale data. State and Local Stewards are improving the data by incorporating local updates based on more current and more accurate source data. Water features in the real world are relatively dynamic and the differences at the time of data collection mean that water features may not register exactly to other layers. The hydrographic feature names contained in and displayed by the NHD are extracted and validated from the Geographic Names Information System (GNIS). Spatial objects may be filtered or generalized to achieve a 1:24,000-scale representation. -- For Alaska only, NHD data were originally captured from the 1:63,360 USGS topographic map series. These data are being continually upgraded by the USGS and partner organizations in Alaska. Currency, accuracy, and resolution therefore vary.
- Online Linkage
- Online Linkage
- Type of Source Media
- digital data
- Source Temporal Extent
- Time Period Information
- Range of Dates/Times
- Beginning Date
- 20130701
- Ending Date
- 20130701
- Source Currentness Reference
- publication date
- Source
- Originator
- U.S. Geological Survey
- Publication Date
- 2012
- Title
- Gaging Stations
- Geospatial Data Presentation Form
- Vector digital data
- Other Citation Details
- This dataset provides the location of approximately 10,000 active stream gages maintained by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). This data is a subset of National Water Information System (NWIS) stream gages available in all U.S. States and Territories. Only Active stations with either Partial or Continuous records for water year 2012 are symbolized.
- Online Linkage
- Online Linkage
- Type of Source Media
- digital data
- Source Temporal Extent
- Time Period Information
- Range of Dates/Times
- Beginning Date
- 2012
- Ending Date
- 2012
- Source Currentness Reference
- publication date
- Source
- Originator
- U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
- Publication Date
- 2014
- Title
- Wetlands - Emergent and Forest/Shrub
- Geospatial Data Presentation Form
- vector digital data
- Other Citation Details
- This data set represents the extent, approximate location and type of wetlands and deepwater habitats in the United States and its Territories. While the Fish and Wildlife Service produces a variety of wetland categories, only two (Emergent and Forest/Shrub wetlands as defined by Cowardin et al. (1979)) are included on US Topo Maps.The emergent wetlands depicted do not include lakes, rivers, open water ponds, deepwater marine and estuarine features or non-vegetated, farmed, intermittent and temporarily flooded wetlands. The goal is to provide a visual depiction of the approximate location and extent of Emergent and Forest/Shrub wetlands. Digital wetlands data are intended for use with base maps and digital aerial photography at a scale of 1:12,000 or smaller. Due to the scale, the primary intended use is for data display on the US Topo Maps. This data display is not intended for analysis. The map products were neither designed or intended to represent legal or regulatory products. Questions or comments regarding the interpretation or classification of wetlands can be addressed by visiting These data were developed in conjunction with the publication Cowardin, L.M., V. Carter, F.C. Golet, and E.T. LaRoe. 1979. Classification of Wetlands and Deepwater Habitats of the United States. U.S. Department of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service, Washington, DC. FWS/OBS-79/31. For more information on the wetland classification codes visit Note that coastline delineations were drawn to follow the extent of wetland features as described by this project and may not match the coastline shown in other base maps.
- Online Linkage
- Online Linkage
- Online Linkage
- Type of Source Media
- digital data
- Source Temporal Extent
- Time Period Information
- Range of Dates/Times
- Beginning Date
- 1977
- Ending Date
- 2014
- Source Currentness Reference
- publication date
- Source
- Originator
- Global Land Ice Measurements from Space initiative (GLIMS)
- Publication Date
- 2012
- Title
- Glaciers - Alaska
- Geospatial Data Presentation Form
- Vector digital data
- Other Citation Details
- The Randolph Glacier Inventory (RGI 2.0) is a global inventory of glacier outlines. It is supplemental to the Global Land Ice Measurements from Space initiative (GLIMS). Production of the RGI was motivated by the forthcoming Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC AR5). Updates beyond the IPCC 2012 deadlines will take the form of additions to the GLIMS Glacier Database. As resources allow, all these data will be incorporated into the GLIMS Glacier Database. The RGI data are used without alteration by the U.S. Geological Survey for US Topo maps and are not yet integrated with other hydrography features from USGS datasets. Glacier names are from the Geographic Names Information System (GNIS). RGI polygon boundaries are not shown in the US Topo representation.
- Online Linkage
- Online Linkage
- Source Scale Denominator
- 50000
- Type of Source Media
- digital data
- Source Temporal Extent
- Time Period Information
- Range of Dates/Times
- Beginning Date
- 2010
- Ending Date
- 2012
- Source Currentness Reference
- publication date
- Source
- Originator
- International Boundary Commission
- Publication Date
- 2015
- Title
- U.S.-Canada National Boundary
- Geospatial Data Presentation Form
- Vector digital data
- Other Citation Details
- The boundary is a digital representation of the International boundary between the United States and Canada as per the Treaty of 1908. It has been generated from a combination of recent surveys and datum conversions. It is intended for general mapping purposes only. The boundary dataset is composed of 29 segments that correspond to the original 256 boundary maps. Attributes of each segment define the scale in which the line in that area may be accurately depicted. It is produced for mapping purposes only and not intended to illustrate the boundary beyond the limits of the scale for any given segment.
- Online Linkage
- Online Linkage
- Type of Source Media
- digital data
- Source Temporal Extent
- Time Period Information
- Range of Dates/Times
- Beginning Date
- 2015
- Ending Date
- 2015
- Source Currentness Reference
- publication date
- Source
- Originator
- U.S. Geological Survey, U.S. Department of Agriculture, and the Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Geografía of Mexico.
- Publication Date
- 2006
- Title
- U.S.-Mexico National Boundary
- Geospatial Data Presentation Form
- Vector digital data
- Other Citation Details
- The international boundary between Mexico and the United States, defined as a joint venture between the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Geografía of Mexico (INEGI), resulted in an unofficial United States-Mexico boundary dataset that was further enhanced by the U.S. Geological Survey's Border Environmental Health Initiative (BEHI). With the data frame scale set to 1:5,000 in ArcMap, the center of the Rio Grande/Río Bravo was digitized using the NAIP 2004 Imagery. In areas with dense stands of salt cedar (bounding box = UL -104.714 30.038, UR -104.664 30.037, LR -104.666 29.933, LL -104.717 29.934; NAD83), the center of the channel was difficult, and sometimes impossible, to easily determine. To determine the location of the boundary, the GIS analyst compared the location of the line in the INEGI 1:250K Limite feature class with the NAIP 2004 Imagery and adjusted the boundary to the image, thus, the delineation of the international boundary is less certain in these areas. The remaining part of the border was extracted from the INEGI 1:250K Limite feature class and appended to the line feature class created along the Rio Grande/Río Bravo. The U.S. Geological Survey reviewed the original USDA data against 2007 NAIP imagery and further edited 9 line segments in the Rio Grande areas to conform to National Map Accuracy Standards.
- Online Linkage
- Online Linkage
- Type of Source Media
- digital data
- Source Temporal Extent
- Time Period Information
- Range of Dates/Times
- Beginning Date
- 1972
- Ending Date
- 2006
- Source Currentness Reference
- publication date
- Source
- Originator
- U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Forest Service - Washington Office Automated Lands Program (ALP).
- Publication Date
- 2015
- Title
- USDA Forest Service Boundary
- Geospatial Data Presentation Form
- Vector digital data
- Other Citation Details
- The forest service boundaries defined by the USDA Forest Service encompassing the National Forest System (NFS) lands within the original proclaimed National Forests, along with lands added to the NFS which have taken on the status of 'reserved from the public domain' under the General Exchange Act. The following area types are included: National Forest, Experimental Area, Experimental Forest, Experimental Range, Land Utilization Project, National Grassland, Purchase Unit, and Special Management Area. The nationwide Proclaimed Forest dataset was created by the USDA Forest Service, Washington Office Automated Lands Program (ALP) staff from collected source data created by the Regional Offices. Only maps in USDA Forest Service areas will contain USDA Forest boundaries.
- Type of Source Media
- digital data
- Source Temporal Extent
- Time Period Information
- Range of Dates/Times
- Beginning Date
- 2015
- Ending Date
- 2015
- Source Currentness Reference
- publication date
- Source
- Originator
- U.S. Census Bureau
- Publication Date
- 2015
- Title
- State and Equivalent Boundary
- Geospatial Data Presentation Form
- Vector digital data
- Other Citation Details
- The Census Bureau collects boundaries from state and county governments through the Boundary and Annexation Survey (BAS), and publishes the results as TIGER files. The USGS uses the TIGER data without editing or alteration for US Topo.
- Online Linkage
- Online Linkage
- Online Linkage
- Type of Source Media
- digital data
- Source Temporal Extent
- Time Period Information
- Range of Dates/Times
- Beginning Date
- 2014
- Ending Date
- 2015
- Source Currentness Reference
- publication date
- Source
- Originator
- U.S. Census Bureau
- Publication Date
- 2015
- Title
- County and Equivalent Boundary
- Geospatial Data Presentation Form
- Vector digital data
- Other Citation Details
- The Census Bureau collects boundaries from state and county governments through the Boundary and Annexation Survey (BAS), and publishes the results as TIGER files. The USGS uses Census TIGER data without editing or alteration for US Topo.
- Online Linkage
- Online Linkage
- Online Linkage
- Type of Source Media
- digital data
- Source Temporal Extent
- Time Period Information
- Range of Dates/Times
- Beginning Date
- 2014
- Ending Date
- 2015
- Source Currentness Reference
- publication date
- Source
- Originator
- Office of the Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Installations and Environment, Business Enterprise Integration Directorate
- Publication Date
- 2011
- Title
- U.S. Military Installations, Ranges, and Training Areas
- Geospatial Data Presentation Form
- vector digital data
- Other Citation Details
- This dataset depicts the authoritative boundaries of the most commonly known Department of Defense (DoD) sites, installations, ranges, and training areas in the United States and Territories. These sites encompass land which is federally owned or otherwise managed. This dataset was compiled by the Defense Installation Spatial Data Infrastructure (DISDI) Program. This dataset represents the baseline for georeferenced boundaries of sites selected from the 2010 Base Structure Report. The boundary locations are intended for planning purposes only and do not represent the legal or surveyed land parcel boundaries. This list does not necessarily represent a comprehensive collection of all DoD facilities, and only those in the fifty United States and US Territories were considered for inclusion. Maps produced at a scale of 1:50,000 or larger which otherwise comply with National Map Accuracy Standards will remain compliant if this data is incorporated. Although these data have been provided by the DoD components, no warranty expressed or implied is made regarding the utility of the data on any other system, in derived products or data alterations, nor shall the act of distribution constitute such warranty.
- Online Linkage
- Online Linkage
- Source Scale Denominator
- 50000
- Type of Source Media
- digital data
- Source Temporal Extent
- Time Period Information
- Range of Dates/Times
- Beginning Date
- 2011
- Ending Date
- 2011
- Source Currentness Reference
- publication date
- Source
- Originator
- National Park Service - Land Resources Division
- Publication Date
- 2015
- Title
- National Park Service Boundary
- Geospatial Data Presentation Form
- Vector digital data
- Other Citation Details
- This dataset depicts National Park Service unit boundaries for display and general analysis purposes. The USGS converted areas of generally 3 acres or less to point features to facilitate cartographic display on the US Topo digital map product. See Source URL for link to complete dataset. This data set is complete but subject to continual updates to reflect boundary amendments, legislation, and acquisitions, and improved processing techniques. The data is being regularly updated with verified boundaries from NPS Land Resources Division. The data is intended for use as a tool for display and general GIS analysis purposes only. It is in no way intended for engineering or legal purposes. The data accuracy is checked against best available sources which may be dated. NPS assumes no liability for use of this data. Boundaries from the Land Resources Division have separate polygons for each type of unit. For example Denali National Park and Denali National Preserve are separate individual polygons.
- Online Linkage
- Type of Source Media
- digital data
- Source Temporal Extent
- Time Period Information
- Range of Dates/Times
- Beginning Date
- 2002
- Ending Date
- 2015
- Source Currentness Reference
- publication date
- Source
- Originator
- US Fish and Wildlife Service
- Publication Date
- 2016
- Title
- Simplified FWS Boundaries
- Geospatial Data Presentation Form
- Vector digital data
- Other Citation Details
- This data set depicts simplified boundaries of lands administered by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service including National Wildlife Refuges, National Fish Hatcheries, FWS administrative sites, and other conservation areas. The Alaska National Wildlife Refuge Boundaries data set depicts the legislative boundary of the 16 National Wildlife Refuges in Alaska at a source scale of 1:63,360. The dataset was created by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Region 7, Division of Realty and Natural Resources. The USGS substituted the Alaska National Wildlife Refuge boundaries for the USFWS Simplified Wildlife Refuge Boundaries in Alaska for cartographic purposes. The USFWS Simplified Wildlife Refuge Boundaries are simplified from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Real Estate Interest data layer containing polygons representing tracts of land (parcels) in which the Service has a property or management interest. These interests include full land ownership, secondary interests in property primarily managed and reported by other federal agencies, leased property, property managed by agreement with other parties, and, within National Wildlife Refuges, property governed by conservation easements. A conservation easement is a permanent, legally enforceable land preservation agreement between a landowner and a government agency that restricts real estate, commercial and industrial development of the land, which remains private property. Inholdings of private property within Refuge areas not covered by conservation easements are excluded from these boundaries. The Hawaiian Islands National Wildlife Refuge and Waterfowl production area easements acquired through the small wetlands program have been omitted. Interior boundaries between parcels were dissolved to produce a single set of simplified external boundaries for each feature. These are resource grade mapping representations of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service boundaries. For legal descriptions of the land represented here contact the USFWS Realty Office. This map layer was compiled by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. The Alaska National Wildlife Refuges dataset was derived from the following digital sources and legal documents: 1) Federal Register, Vol. 48, No. 38 Thursday, February 24, 1983 Notices Pages 7890-8029. 2) USGS 1:250,000 scale Alaska Boundary Series maps entitled: Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act December 2, 1980 P.L. 96-487 3) Various legal documents such as survey plats, legal metes and bounds descriptions, Deeds, and Titles. 4) USGS 1:63,360 scale revised hydrography Digital Line Graphs depicting ground conditions from 1955 to 1986. Although these Fish and Wildlife boundaries represent lands administered by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, not all areas are open to the public. Some fragile habitats need to be protected from human traffic, some management areas are closed, and the terms of some conservation easements preclude public access. The public is urged to contact specific Refuges or other conservation areas before visiting.
- Online Linkage
- Source Scale Denominator
- 63360
- Type of Source Media
- digital data
- Source Temporal Extent
- Time Period Information
- Range of Dates/Times
- Beginning Date
- 1950
- Ending Date
- 2016
- Source Currentness Reference
- publication date
- Source
- Originator
- U.S. Department of Commerce, U.S. Census Bureau, Geography Division
- Publication Date
- 2012
- Title
- Metlakatla Alaska Boundary
- Geospatial Data Presentation Form
- Vector digital data
- Other Citation Details
- This boundary depicts Metlakatla, AK, referred to as Annette Island in the Census AIANNH shapefile NAME attribute. The area is home of the Metlakatla Indian Community. The Census Bureau TIGER Line shapefiles and related database files are an extract of selected geographic and cartographic information from the US Census Bureau's Master Address File-Topologically Integrated Geographic Encoding and Referencing -MAF-TIGER- Database. The 2010 Census boundaries for federally recognized American Indian reservations and off reservation trust lands are as of January 1, 2010, as reported by the federally recognized tribal governments through the Census Bureau's Boundary and Annexation Survey. No warranty, expressed or implied is made with regard to the accuracy of these data, and no liability is assumed by the U.S. Government in general or the U.S. Census Bureau in specific as to the spatial or attribute accuracy of the data. The act of distribution shall not constitute any such warranty and no responsibility is assumed by the U.S. government in the use of these files. The boundary information in the TIGER-Line Shapefiles is for statistical data collection and tabulation purposes only. Their depiction and designation for statistical purposes do not constitute a determination of jurisdictional authority or rights of ownership or entitlement and they are not legal land descriptions.
- Online Linkage
- Source Scale Denominator
- 63360
- Type of Source Media
- digital data
- Source Temporal Extent
- Time Period Information
- Range of Dates/Times
- Beginning Date
- 2011
- Ending Date
- 2012
- Source Currentness Reference
- publication date
- Source
- Originator
- Bureau of Land Management
- Publication Date
- Unknown
- Title
- Alaska Bureau of Land Management Boundary
- Geospatial Data Presentation Form
- Vector digital data
- Other Citation Details
- Selected BLM unit boundaries were provided to USGS by BLM Alaska State Office as unpublished datasets. The dataset is for general mapping purposes for use on the Alaska US Topo product. These boundaries include National Petroleum Reserve, Steese National Conservation Area, White Mountains National Recreation Area. Other BLM units in Alaska are not shown on US Topo maps as of this date, though more will be shown in the future. Any hardcopies or published datasets using this data shall clearly indicate their source. Any users wishing to modify this data are obligated to report the extent of their modifications. User specifically agrees not to misrepresent modification to this data as approved or endorsed by the BLM. No warranty is made by the Bureau of Land Management as to the accuracy, reliability, or completeness of these data for individual use or aggregate use with other data.
- Online Linkage
- Source Scale Denominator
- 63360
- Type of Source Media
- digital data
- Source Temporal Extent
- Time Period Information
- Range of Dates/Times
- Beginning Date
- Unknown
- Ending Date
- Unknown
- Source Currentness Reference
- publication date
- Source
- Originator
- U.S. Dept. of Interior, Bureau of Land Management, Division of Support Services, Branch of Information Resource Management
- Publication Date
- 2014
- Title
- Public Land Survey System
- Geospatial Data Presentation Form
- Vector digital data
- Other Citation Details
- The Public Land Survey System (PLSS) information shown on these maps is for general reference purposes only and should not be used to determine legal boundaries or land ownership. US Topo maps are not legal documents. The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) is the authoritative source for PLSS information at the federal level. The US Topo representation is derived from BLM GIS data files. Although this metadata record is included with all maps, PLSS is shown on US Topo maps for only states that have PLSS. Metadata for BLM PLSS data can be located through Note: Alaska PLSS consists of protracted (computed, not surveyed) data only. Section boundaries were generated from geodetic latitude and longitude coordinate pairs as recorded on BLM's official protraction diagrams of the state of Alaska. Metadata for Alaska PLSS is at
- Online Linkage
- Online Linkage
- Type of Source Media
- digital data
- Source Temporal Extent
- Time Period Information
- Range of Dates/Times
- Beginning Date
- 2014
- Ending Date
- 2014
- Source Currentness Reference
- publication date
- Source
- Originator
- USGS - National Elevation Dataset is a component of a comprehensive base geospatial data model.
- Publication Date
- 20081201
- Title
- Hypsography
- Geospatial Data Presentation Form
- Vector digital data
- Other Citation Details
- This contour featureclass was generated from the 1/3 arc-second version of the National Elevation Dataset (NED). The intended viewing scale for these features is 1:24,000. The contours are derived from a filtered elevation raster to achieve smoother arcs. The NED data were modified by the National Hydrography Dataset (NHD) flow lines and water bodies to facilitate improved integration between the hypsography and hydrography on USGS map products. These contours were generated primarily for use as a layer in GeoPDFs created in the US Topo digital mapping program. The raster data source of contours is the National Elevation Dataset (NED) 1/3 arc-second layer. The 1/3 arc-second NED contains resampled data from the 1/9 arc-second layer of NED. Secondary datasets include the high resolution flow lines, water bodies, and areas from the National Hydrography Dataset (NHD). The NHD layers are used in hydro-enforcement of the DEM prior to contour generation. The goals of the hydro-enforcement are to prevent contour lines from extending over the surface of water bodies and to align the contour reentrants with the NHD single-line streams. The NED raster cells are converted to points. Those points, along with the NHD flow lines are input into an interpolation tool to create a new surface. The NHD water bodies and areas are preprocessed to attach the minimum and maximum elevation to each polygon. From these precalculated values, an appropriate value is calculated by which to raise the elevation cells under the NHD polygons. The NHD polygons are then converted into rasters, which in turn will be used to generate a mosaic that includes the new raster surface. The mosaic is filtered to provide smoother contour lines. Contours are generated and depression and index contours are identified. There is no guarantee or warranty concerning the accuracy of the data. Users should be aware that temporal changes may have occurred since these data were collected and generated and that some parts of these data may no longer represent actual surface conditions. Hydro-enforcement and generalization can also significantly alter the spatial characteristics of the contours. Users should not use these data for critical applications without a full awareness of its limitations.
- Online Linkage
- Type of Source Media
- digital data
- Source Temporal Extent
- Time Period Information
- Range of Dates/Times
- Beginning Date
- 20081201
- Ending Date
- 20081201
- Source Currentness Reference
- publication date
- Source
- Originator
- U.S. Geological Survey
- Publication Date
- 2016
- Title
- Land Cover - Woodland
- Geospatial Data Presentation Form
- Vector digital data
- Other Citation Details
- The Woodland Tint is a derivative land cover product created using several national map layers: three National Land Cover Database (NLCD) 2011 raster layers (Tree Canopy, Imperviousness, and Land Cover); and two vector layers (National Hydrography Dataset and Transportation). The process begins with masking the NLCD 2011 Tree Canopy Data cartographic with NLCD 2011 Imperviousness (values from 1-100), and NLCD 2011 Land Cover (value 11 = Open Water). The resulting raster data with canopy values of 20 and greater are converted to woodland vector polygons and smoothed via the Paek Algorithm. The woodland polygons are masked with buffered Transportation (Roads, Airport Runways, and Railroads) and Hydrography (NHD Areas excluding Inundation Area and NHD Waterbodies excluding Swamp/Marsh). The resulting polygons are checked for scale appropriate size (minimum size of one acre), and the small woodland polygons as well as small clearings within the woodland polygons are deleted. For Alaska, the Woodland Tint is a derivative land cover product created using five national map layers: one raster layer, National Land Cover Database (NLCD) 2011 (Land Cover); and four vector layers (National Hydrography Dataset, Transportation Roads, Transportation Airports and Transportation Railroads). The process begins with combining three NLCD 2011 Land Cover V1 Classes (41 - Deciduous Forest, 42 - Evergreen Forest, and 43 - Mixed Forest). The resulting raster data was converted to woodland vector polygons, and smoothed via the Paek Algorithm. The woodland polygons are masked with buffered Transportation (Roads, Airport Runways, and Railroads) and Hydrography (NHD Areas excluding Inundation Areas and NHD Waterbodies excluding Swamp/Marsh). The resulting polygons are checked for scale appropriate size (minimum size of one acre), and the small woodland polygons as well as small clearings within the woodland polygons are deleted.
- Online Linkage
- Type of Source Media
- digital data
- Source Temporal Extent
- Time Period Information
- Range of Dates/Times
- Beginning Date
- 2016
- Ending Date
- 2016
- Source Currentness Reference
- publication date
- Source
- Originator
- U.S. Geological Survey
- Publication Date
- 20081201
- Title
- Shaded Relief
- Geospatial Data Presentation Form
- raster digital data
- Other Citation Details
- The Shaded relief is a derivative elevation product created from the National Elevation Dataset (NED) 1/3 arc second. First there are five separate shaded relief datasets created from the original data. Each shaded relief has different azimuths and altitude values as follows: 00 450, 1350 600, 2700 450, 3150 450, 450 450. These five datasets are then combined into one feature class using map algebra to compute the raster layers using the following equation shadedrelief1 + shadedrelief2 + shadedrelief3 + (shadedrelief4 x 2) + shaded relief5 \ 6. This equation gives double importance to the 3150 azimuth and 450 elevation.
- Type of Source Media
- digital data
- Source Temporal Extent
- Time Period Information
- Range of Dates/Times
- Beginning Date
- 20081201
- Ending Date
- 20081201
- Source Currentness Reference
- publication date
- Source
- Originator
- National Park Service
- Publication Date
- 2016
- Title
- Points of Interest, Great Smoky Mountains National Park (GRSM)
- Geospatial Data Presentation Form
- vector digital data
- Other Citation Details
- Includes campgrounds, trailheads, visitor centers, and various other point features within Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Point data was proivded by GRSM NPS personnel.
- Type of Source Media
- digital data
- Source Temporal Extent
- Time Period Information
- Range of Dates/Times
- Beginning Date
- 2016
- Ending Date
- 2016
- Source Currentness Reference
- publication date
- Source
- Originator
- U.S. Geological Survey
- Publication Date
- 2012
- Title
- Grids and Coordinate System
- Other Citation Details
- Geographic Coordinate, U.S. National Grid, UTM grid, and State Plane Coordinate System values are displayed along the map projection. State Plane Coordinate System State and Zone values are abbreviated per Appendix A in the following document: Stem, J.E., 1990, 'State Plane Coordinate System of 1983', NOAA Manual NOS NGS 5, available at
- Type of Source Media
- raster data
- Source Temporal Extent
- Time Period Information
- Range of Dates/Times
- Beginning Date
- 2013
- Ending Date
- 2013
- Source Currentness Reference
- publication date
- Spatial Data Organization Information
- Direct Spatial Reference Method
- Raster
- Spatial Reference Information
- Horizontal Coordinate System Definition
- Planar
- Grid Coordinate System
- Grid Coordinate System Name
- Universal Transverse Mercator
- Universal Transverse Mercator
- UTM Zone Number
- 16
- Transverse Mercator
- Scale Factor at Central Meridian
- 0.9996
- Longitude of Central Meridian
- -87
- Latitude of Projection Origin
- 0.0
- False Easting
- 500000
- False Northing
- 0.0
- Planar Coordinate Information
- Planar Coordinate Encoding Method
- coordinate pair
- Coordinate Representation
- Abscissa Resolution
- 2
- Ordinate Resolution
- 2
- Planar Distance Units
- meters
- Geodetic Model
- Horizontal Datum Name
- North American Datum of 1983
- Ellipsoid Name
- Geodetic Reference System 80
- Semi-major Axis
- 6378137
- Denominator of Flattening Ratio
- 298.2572221
- Vertical Coordinate System Definition
- Altitude System Definition
- Altitude Datum Name
- North American Vertical Datum of 1988
- Altitude Resolution
- 3
- Altitude Distance Units
- meters
- Altitude Encoding Method
- Explicit elevation coordinate included with horizontal coordinates
- Entity and Attribute Information
- Entity and Attribute Overview
- This is a general-purpose design and layout map based on the traditional USGS quadrangle cells. The domain for the conterminous 48 states, plus Hawaii, Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands is a standard 7.5-minute cell. Due to the convergence of longitudes, in Alaska cell size will vary as noted: south of 59 degrees N latitude = 7.5' x 10' (N-S by E-W), 59 to 62 degrees N latitude = 7.5' x 11.25', 62 to 68 degrees N latitude = 7.5' x 15', and north of 68 degrees N latitude = 7.5' x 18'. In the conterminous 48 states plus Hawaii, the scale is 1:24,000, while in Alaska the scale is 1:25,000 and in Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands the scale is 1:20,000.
- Entity and Attribute Detail Citation
- National Geospatial Program US Topo Product Standard, 2011.
- Distribution Information
- Format Name
- GeoPDF
- Distributor
- U.S. Geological Survey
- Online Access
- Metadata Reference Information
- Metadata Date
- 20210701
- Metadata Contact
- Contact Information
- Contact Organization Primary
- Contact Organization
- U.S. Geological Survey, National Geospatial Technical Operations Center
- Contact Person
- Not Provided
- Contact Address
- Address
- 1400 Independence Road
- City
- Rolla
- State or Province
- MO
- Postal Code
- 65401
- Contact Address
- Address
- Box 25046 Denver Federal Center
- City
- Lakewood
- State or Province
- CO
- Postal Code
- 80225
- Contact Voice Telephone
- 1-888-ASK-USGS (1-888-275-8747)
- Contact Electronic Mail Address
- Hours of Service
- Monday through Friday 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM
- Contact Instructions
- Metadata information can also be obtained through online services using The National Map Viewer, at or EarthExplorer, at or Ask USGS at
- Metadata Standard Name
- FGDC Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata
- Metadata Standard Version
- FGDC-STD-001-1998