1. 1) Racine County Mapbook, Racine County
2025. Racine County. This web map app can be used to find information about parcels in Racine County, Wisconsin, by searching for Parcel ID Number and Address. Find...
1. 1) Racine County Mapbook, Racine County
2025. Racine County. This web map app can be used to find information about parcels in Racine County, Wisconsin, by searching for Parcel ID Number and Address. Find...
2. 100 Year Floodplane Zoning District, Washington County
2023. Washington County. No description provided.
3. 100 Year Floodplane Zoning District, Washington County
2024. Washington County. No description provided.
4. 1930s Historic Tax Maps, Washington County
2023. Washington County. No description provided.
5. 1930s Historic Tax Maps, Washington County
2023. Washington County. No description provided.
6. 1941 Aerial Photo, Waukesha County
2024. Waukesha County. This data set consists of digital aerial photo images obtained from 1"=1667' scale black and-white negatives aquired in the spring of 1941. The pix...
7. 1950 Aerial Photo, Waukesha County
2024. Waukesha County. This data set consists of digital aerial photo images obtained from 1"=1667' scale black and-white negatives aquired in the spring of 1950. The pix...
8. 1963 Aerial Photo, Waukesha County
2024. Waukesha County. This data set consists of digital aerial photo images obtained from 1"=1667' scale black and-white negatives aquired in the spring of 1963. The pix...
9. 1970 Aerial Photo, Waukesha County
2024. Waukesha County. This data set consists of digital aerial photo images obtained from 1"=1667' scale black and-white negatives aquired in the spring of 1970. The pix...
10. 1980 Aerial Photo, Waukesha County
2024. Waukesha County. This data set consists of digital aerial photo images obtained from 1"=1667' scale black and-white negatives aquired in the spring of 1980. The pix...
11. 1990 Aerial Photo, Waukesha County
2024. Waukesha County. Waukesha County 1990 Ortho Image Service.
12. 1990 to 2000 Election Data with 2011 Wards, WI LTSB
2024. Wisconsin Legislative Technology Services Bureau. Election Data Attribute Field Definitions | Wisconsin Cities, Towns, & Villages Data AttributesWard Data Overview: These municipal wards were creat...
13. 1990 to 2000 Election Data with 2020 Wards, WI LTSB
2024. Wisconsin Legislative Technology Services Bureau. Election Data Attribute Field Definitions | Wisconsin Cities, Towns, & Villages Data Attributes Ward Data Overview:July 2020 municipal wards were c...
14. 1990-2000 Election Data (with 2011 Wards), Wisconsin 2011
2011. Wisconsin Legislative Technology Services Bureau. This data layer represents various election results for 1990-2000 in Wisconsin, mapped with 2011 ward boundaries. [Election Data Overview: Election...
15. 1990-2000 Election Data (with 2017 Wards) Wisconsin, 2017
2017. Wisconsin Legislative Technology Services Bureau. This data layer represents various election results for 1990-2000 in Wisconsin, mapped with 2017 ward boundaries. [Ward Data Overview: Fall 2017 mu...
16. 1990-2000 Election Data (with 2020 Wards) Wisconsin, 2020
2020. Wisconsin Legislative Technology Services Bureau. This data represents election results for 1990-2000 in Wisconsin, mapped with 2020 ward boundaries. [Ward Data Overview: July 2020 municipal wards ...
17. 1995 Aerial Photo, Waukesha County
2024. Waukesha County. Waukesha County 1995 Ortho Image Service.
18. 2000 Aerial Photo, Waukesha County
2024. Waukesha County. This data set consists of digital orthophoto images obtained from 1:20,000 scale black-and-white aerial photography aquired in the spring of 2000. ...
19. 2000 Imagery, Racine County
2017. Racine County. Imagery of Racine County for the year 2000. This data set consists of digital orthophoto images obtained from 1:20,000 scale black-and-white aeria...
20. 2002 to 2010 Election Data with 2011 Wards, WI LTSB
2024. Wisconsin Legislative Technology Services Bureau. Election Data Attribute Field Definitions | Wisconsin Cities, Towns, & Villages Data AttributesWard Data Overview: These municipal wards were creat...