2035. Walworth County. This data layer represents future land use for Walworth County, Wisconsin, to the year 2035.
Search Results
2025. Jackson County. A view layer used for sharing the 2015 LiDAR Tile Index in the Jackson County Open Data Hub.
2025. Jackson County. A view layer used for sharing LiDAR data in the Jackson County Open Data Hub.
2025. Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources. Locations of active sampling points like groundwater monitoring wells, soil gas probes, landfill leachate head wells, etc. that are tracked in the ...
2025. Adams County. No description provided.
2025. Vilas County. This is a tool to be used by Vilas County municipalities to report to the Land Information Office that new/reassigned address/road signs have been ...
2025. Vilas County. Use either the new or old address number to search for changes to Vilas County site addresses dating back to 2007.
2025. Vilas County. This address map symbolizes address points across the county by their general type. The location of longer driveways are also shown in order to cl...
2025. Forest County. This data represents addresses for Forest County, Wisconsin in 2025.
2025. Lafayette County. This data represents addresses in Lafayette County, Wisconsin in 2025.
2025. Pepin County. This data represents addresses for Pepin County, Wisconsin in 2025.
2025. Washburn County. This data layers represent addresses for Washburn County, Wisconsin in 2025.
2025. Adams County. This layer will represent the property addresses for Adams County. The addresses are maintained by the GIS department for the web applications.
2025. City of Waukesha. No description provided.
2025. Outagamie County. this is a point feature class representing the location where the driveway meets the road right of way. It contains the house number and street nam...
2025. Vilas County. Airport height zoning overlay for Vilas County.
2025. Outagamie County. Airport runway locations within Outagamie County.
2025. Outagamie County. This feature class was derived off of the 1990 Zoning Ordinance Z-16-90. This ordinance covers airport property, the airport industrial park and th...
2025. Jackson County. A view layer used for sharing ambulance zones in the Jackson County Open Data Hub.
2025. Waukesha County. Simple view of Waukesha County tax parcels, simultaneous conveyances, civil divisions, rights of way, historic tax parcels (back to around mid-2000...
2025. Ashland County. No description provided.
2025. Jackson County. A view layer used for sharing ATV trails in the Jackson County Open Data Hub.
2025. Jackson County. A view layer used for sharing auxiliary roads in the Jackson County Open Data Hub.
2025. Wisconsin Legislative Technology Services Bureau. No description provided.
2025. City of Sun Prairie. No description provided.
2025. City of Madison. Bike BoxesThis data layer is used by the Dane County Bicycle Map application.
2025. City of Madison. Bike Repair StationsStatus (Status)PRG: Programmed - Funded, will most likely be built.CONC: Conceptual - Project was suggested and may have merit ...
2025. City of Madison. Existing (EX)Programmed (PRG)Planned – Feasible (PLF)Planned – Obstacles (PLO)Conceptual (CONC)Under Construction (UC)External ID (ExtID) Unique ID.
2025. Jackson County. A view layer used for sharing public boat landings in the Jackson County Open Data Hub.
2025. Jackson County. A view layer used for sharing building footprints in the Jackson County Open Data Hub.
2025. Kenosha County. No description provided.
2025. Vilas County. Building polygons in Vilas County, Wisconsin. Collected from 2013 LiDAR and 2015 imagery, updated when possible.
2025. Vilas County. Building polygons captured using 2013 LiDAR data and 2015 orthoimagery.
2025. Vilas County. Building polygons captured using 2013 LiDAR data and 2015 orthoimagery.
2025. Washburn County. This data represents buildings for Washburn County, Wisconsin in 2025.
2025. Milwaukee County. Developed for cadastral data users to produce custom GIS filegeodatabase downloads for their specific area of interest. Downloads are limited to 4 ...
2025. Jackson County. A view layer used for sharing public campground locations in the Jackson County Open Data Hub.
2025. Jackson County. A view layer used for sharing public campsite locations in the Jackson County Open Data Hub.
2025. Milwaukee County. Cadastral dataset covering Milwaukee County. This hosted layer will replace https://lio.milwaukeecountywi.gov/arcgis/rest/services/Cadastral/Cadas...
2025. Milwaukee County. Cadastral dataset covering Milwaukee County. This hosted layer will replace https://lio.milwaukeecountywi.gov/arcgis/rest/services/Cadastral/Cadas...
2025. Vilas County. CSMs for Vilas County, Wisconsin. Shows the area covered by a certified survey. Not to be used as a definitive and legal boundary.
2025. City of Waukesha. No description provided.
2025. Adams County. This layer represents the Adams County TID (Tax Incremental Districts) boundaries. These boundaries are compiled from available tax records.
2025. Adams County. This layer represents the Adams County TID (Tax Incremental Districts) boundaries. These boundaries are compiled from available tax records.
2025. Eau Claire County. The geographic extent of civil divisions within Eau Claire county, Wisconsin. These include towns, cities, and villages. .
2025. Waukesha County. Simple view of Waukesha County tax parcels, simultaneous conveyances, civil divisions, rights of way, historic tax parcels (back to around mid-2000...
2025. Adams County. This layer represents Adams County's Comprehensive Zoning that is maintained by the GIS/Planning and Zoning department.
2025. Milwaukee County. Cadastral dataset covering Milwaukee County. This hosted layer will replace https://lio.milwaukeecountywi.gov/arcgis/rest/services/Cadastral/Cadas...
2025. Milwaukee County. Cadastral dataset covering Milwaukee County. This hosted layer will replace https://lio.milwaukeecountywi.gov/arcgis/rest/services/Cadastral/Cadas...
2025. Wisconsin Department of Transportation. The Two Year Transportation Improvement Program layer provides construction improvement projects for two years, including carryover projects. This...
2025. Wisconsin Department of Transportation. The
Six Year Transportation Improvement Program layer displays projects that
reflect the department's intent to improve the state and local highway...
2025. Eau Claire County. The geographic boundary of Eau Claire county, Wisconsin. .
2025. Jackson County. A view layer used for sharing the county boundary in the Jackson County Open Data Hub.
2025. Jackson County. A view layer used for sharing county owned land in the Jackson County Open Data Hub.
2025. Outagamie County. County tax parcel polygon including ownership information.
2025. Outagamie County. 300 ft buffer polygon layer of navigable rivers or streams .
2025. Jackson County. A view layer used for sharing culverts in the Jackson County Open Data Hub.
2025. Outagamie County. County zoning jurisdiction polygon layer.
2025. Milwaukee County. Cadastral dataset covering Milwaukee County. This hosted layer will replace https://lio.milwaukeecountywi.gov/arcgis/rest/services/Cadastral/Cadas...
2025. Milwaukee County. Cadastral dataset covering Milwaukee County. This hosted layer will replace https://lio.milwaukeecountywi.gov/arcgis/rest/services/Cadastral/Cadas...
2025. City of Sun Prairie. No description provided.
2025. City of Sun Prairie. No description provided.
2025. City of Sun Prairie. No description provided.
2025. Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction. DO NOT DELETE OR MODIFY THIS ITEM. This item is managed by the ArcGIS Hub application. To make changes to this site, please visit your Hub's overvi...
2025. Wisconsin Legislative Technology Services Bureau. No description provided.
2025. Vilas County. Tax parcel polygons that are part of a special district, including owner listing information such as name and address.
2025. Wisconsin Legislative Technology Services Bureau. No description provided.
2025. Wisconsin Department of Transportation. Students who qualify for free/reduced lunch may apply to have their classroom and behind-the-wheel driver training for a Class D (Regular) driver l...
2025. Wisconsin Department of Transportation. Students who qualify for free/reduced lunch may apply to have their classroom and behind-the-wheel driver training for a Class D (Regular) driver l...
2025. Jackson County. A view layer used for sharing driveway access points in the Jackson County Open Data Hub.
2025. Vilas County. Driveways in Vilas County.
2025. Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources. Ecological Landscapes of Wisconsin are aggregations of NHFEU (National Hierarchical Framework of Ecological Units) subsections that have been assig...
2025. City of Madison. Bicycle count data collected at the Eco-Totem count
station on the Capital City Trail on John Nolen Drive, Madison, Wisconsin. View the count sta...
2025. City of Madison. Bicycle count data collected at the Eco-Totem count
station on the Southwest Commuter Path on Monroe Street, Madison, Wisconsin. View the count s...
2025. City of Sun Prairie. No description provided.
2025. City of Sun Prairie. No description provided.
2025. Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources. This layer is intended for use in the Wisconsin PFAS Interactive Data Viewer GIS mapping application, use for any other purpose should be done with...
2025. Jackson County. A view layer used for sharing emergency service zones in the Jackson County Open Data Hub.
2025. Capital Area Regional Planning Commission. Environmental corridors established as part of the Dane County Water Quality Plan.
2025. Vilas County. Tax parcel polygons that have an associated tax-exempt code, including federal, state, county or other.
2025. Capital Area Regional Planning Commission. No description provided.
2025. Vilas County. The FEMA Flood Map Service Center (MSC) is the official public source for flood hazard information produced in support of the National Flood Insura...
2025. City of Waukesha. No description provided.
2025. Jackson County. A view layer used for sharing fire department locations in the Jackson County Open Data Hub.
2025. Jackson County. A view layer used for sharing fire response zones in the Jackson County Open Data Hub.
2025. Jackson County. A view layer used for sharing first responder zones in the Jackson County Open Data Hub.
2025. City of Fitchburg. No description provided.
2025. City of Fitchburg. An ArcGIS Instant App that displays to the user which police district they are in, as well as the police department location.
2025. City of Fitchburg. No description provided.
2025. City of Fitchburg. No description provided.
2025. City of Fitchburg. No description provided.
2025. City of Fitchburg. No description provided.
2025. City of Fitchburg. No description provided.
2025. City of Sun Prairie. No description provided.
2025. City of Sun Prairie. No description provided.
2025. Outagamie County. This dataset contains the future land use information for Outagamie County. The future land use is projected to the year 2040.Dataset created in 20...
2025. Vilas County. Government units, including town, city and Indian reservation boundaries, within Vilas County.
2025. Jackson County. A view layer used for sharing governmental buildings in the Jackson County Open Data Hub.
2025. Eau Claire County. Polygon layer representing the Groundwater Protection District within Eau Claire county, WI. .
2025. Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources. High-Quality Lakes and Large Rivers displayed in the DNR Watershed Restoration and Protection Viewer. These are lakes and large rivers with at lea...